The article discusses the opposition between public spaces and spaces of mobility based on the analysis of political performances during demonstrations that took place in the cities of Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, between 2011 and 2014, years that preceded the sporting mega-events in the two cities. From the comparative and quantitative analysis of journalistic news, we identified the role of mobility as a central element in how political agendas were constructed in the local public sphere, regarding the construction of agendas and the creation of a spatiality for the structuring of political repertoires. Results indicate that public spaces of mobility became spaces where order was contested, while mobile practices became performances that aimed to produce ruptures in flows to produce visibility for political agendas. However, we found differences in the use of public spaces in Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte, especially in terms of the number of demonstrations, the types of agents and the strategies used in demonstrations. Preliminary results suggest that the opposition between these forms of spatiality is quite fragile in understanding contemporary political manifestations.
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