Notas sobre el diseño de la vivienda y de su entorno barrial y urbano


  • Edwin Haramoto Universidad de Chile


This paper deals with the way in which the massive construction of social housing built to reduce the housing deficit has been the main focus of housing policies. This has meant operating with reduced budgets for the programs aiming at the lowest income groups which determines an inadequate standard and shows little innovation in terms of housing typology ,technology and surroundings. The paper analyses five premises related to the central hypothesis which are developed to refer to the problems faced by housing design and possible new alternatives in housing solutions in which the concept of improvement is implicit.


residential quality, housing design, housing policy


HARAMOTO, E.: Qué significa medir o valorar la calidad de la vivienda. Qué aspectos de la vivienda se pueden y se deben medir o valorar. En: Boletín Nº34, INVI-FAU U. de Chile, agosto 1998. Sección opiniones

HARAMOTO, E.: Vivienda Social: Opciones para las familias y hogares más pobres. En: Boletín N° 37, INVI-FAU U. de Chile, agosto 1999