Energy Poverty (EP) is a multifaceted concept with local connotations and adverse effects. However, most reviews have focused on definitions and methodological approaches given the growing interest in conceptualizing and measuring. This research aims to study and describe the evolution and origin of EP indicators in Ibero-American countries, given the similarity of their climatic, cultural, and socioeconomic characteristics. A review was made using the SALSA (Search, Appraisal, Synthesis, and Analysis) analytical framework, finding 61 articles, 150 assessments, and 49 indicators and cataloging them considering their evolution, initial (n = 7), expansion (n = 12), and multidimensional (n = 30) stages. The results show a rise in studies in the last five years, particularly in Spain. Most measurements have been used continuously, and often come from the United Kingdom. It is possible to infer that the researchers prefer simple indicators developed in other realities, due to a lack of information or difficulty obtaining it. This delays the implementation or evaluation of local energy policies and, consequently, an in-depth study of the Ibero-American realities is needed to address this issue.
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