Decolonizing Urban Studies from the Amazon: Indigenous Practices to Contest Planetary Urbanization



This article proposes a conceptualization exercise to open up decolonial paths to the debates on planetary urbanization from the Amazon. The analysis of indigenous disputes in this process shows that urban spaces are residual from an infrastructural perspective, as well as in their embodiment, meaning and everyday life. Through the analysis of eight different urban spaces in the Ecuadorian Amazon where indigenous practices are visible, a mixed qualitative-spatial methodology has been carried out during 2021 and 2022 through the historical study of the conformation of the territory, interviews with families and ethnographic observation. In the results of this study, four different categories of dispute of the new places of urbanization emerge, which clearly show the ways in which the process of colonization is contained, while at the same time the colonial logics are contested in their central places from their own knowledge, making it possible to counteract the dominant narratives of planetary urbanization in which capital advances omnipotently over indigenous territories. Therefore, the analysis contained in this article allows us to conclude that indigenous disputes make urbanization residual in the Amazon, allowing for a critical decolonial revision of its theorizing bases.


decolonial urban theory, extractivism, indigenous disputes, urban-Amazonian subjects

Author Biographies

Manuel Bayón Jiménez, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT




Gustavo Durán, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales





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