Urban Island-Hills in Chilean Cities: Opportunities for Ecological Planning



Island hills (IHs) represent elements of important natural and cultural heritage value. However, despite their notable presence in Latin American cities, there is little documented knowledge that may facilitate their recognition and incorporation into urban planning. The objective of this work is to identify, classify, and characterize the mostly non-urbanized IHs located within the urban area of the 16 regional capital cities of Chile. The 75 IHs identified were classified into three typologies and characterized according to their land coverage, buildings, and associated regulations. In the 16 cities, there are 32 urban island hills, 24 urban hills on the urban edge, and 19 hills that are part of mountain ridges on the urban edge, concentrated in Santiago, Concepción and Copiapó. These covers consisting of by native forest, shrublands, and forestry plantations in the southern part of the country, and soils with scarce vegetation in the northern area, reflecting the geographic diversity as well as the pressures and uses that exist in the territory. Thus, Concepción’s IHs have 30% or more of their surface covered by forestry plantations; and of the total, 83% of the IHs have built elements and 36% have heritage elements. In terms of urban regulations, there is no typical zoning for hills, and diverse uses coexist.


ecological planning, heritage, island hills, urban hills, vegetation

Author Biographies

María Catalina Picon Meleda, Fundación Cerros Isla



Francisco de la Barrera, Universidad de Concepción



Carolina Contreras



Sonia Reyes-Paecke, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile



Anita Berrizbeitia, Harvard University




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