Mediterranean Queer. An Intersectional Reading of Alicante’s Coastline



This paper examines seven tourist places in the Spanish province of Alicante, where it is possible to identify a greater presence or agency of LGBTQ+ communities. They are also coastal enclaves highly appreciated by heteronormative society and thus crossed by spatial conflicts and exclusion policies that allow their reality to be approached from an intersectional perspective. Our study reveals that, in addition to the gradients of dispossession and discrimination that non-normative inhabitants suffer transversally in society, the queer condition, upon intersecting with the class factor, causes differentiated experiences in terms of segregation, harassment and homophobic violence. In each location, the idiosyncrasy of the physical and cultural geography suggests specific analytical methodologies, mostly qualitative, which, together with an effort of queer pedagogy, invite us to reflect on other ways of producing and sharing knowledge.


Alicante (Spain), capitalist spatial policies, sex-gender identity, class, queer pedagogies


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