Social housing in energy resilient neighborhoods: Post-fire reconstruction in Cerro Las Cañas, Valparaíso


  • Claudia Paz Acevedo Saavedra Universidad de Chile
  • Luz Alicia Cárdenas-Jirón Universidad de Chile


The 2014 great Valparaíso fire had serious consequences on the urban areas of local hills as the result of their weak urban infrastructure and poor accessibility, thus affecting the most vulnerable population in the city. From a State perspective, this paper analyzes the “social housing” reconstruction proposals promoted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MINVU). This exercise enables us to explore how the State addresses these urban reinvention processes and corroborate if they include the territory and solar power as energy-use strategies according to Act No. 20/25. From a systemic approach, the inclusion of these strategies would enable the reconstruction process to contribute to the energy resilience of Valparaíso. This paper focuses on Cerro Las Cañas as this was the area most affected by the fire; likewise, this study conducted a radiation simulation analysis in three representative urban areas and examined the provision of housing as defined by the State plan. The field work suggests that local residents are replicating the same settlement patterns used before the fire, disregarding the experience factor and the analysis reveals the possibility of implementing solar energy collection methods in terms of available energy and associated costs, thus increasing local energy resilience.


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