Popular habitat and labor market: unequal urban development in El Alto (Bolivia)


  • Mariela Paula Diaz Universidad de Buenos Aires


El Alto is generally described as a homogeneous area of poverty with a population of Aymara origin. There is only preliminary information, with little systematized empirical evidence, about the unequal (and combined) urban development of the city. Hence the relevance of this research, which is intended to explore the incorporation of rural migrants into two neighborhoods of the city: “El Porvenir I”, located in the peripheral area of the city, and “16 de Julio”, located in the downtown area of El Alto. This research analyzes the period from the adoption of neoliberalism (1985) to 2012.
In the first place, this research examines the access to the city in relation to the quality of dwellings and the provision of public domiciliary services. In second place, the incorporation into the labor market is analyzed in order to address the issues regarding the unequal urban development in the outskirts of El Alto.
Part of the information was collected through semi-structured interviews with key actors and inhabitants of the city. Other information was collected through the implementation of a survey (non-probabilistic strategic sampling) that interviewed 100 households located in the case study neighborhoods.

Author Biography

Mariela Paula Diaz, Universidad de Buenos Aires

BA in Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires. PhD in Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires and CONICET postdoctoral fellow at the Multidisciplinary Institute for History and Human Sciences (IMHICIHU). Professor, University of Buenos Aires.