Cultural landscapes are an emerging field in the scientific debate on landscapes. In this regard, the cultural landscapes included in the World Heritage List are interesting objects of reflection since they possess relevant international recognition and represent an expanding category in this list. Latin America and the Caribbean, as a Unesco region, have a relatively low presence in this List in terms of cultural capital at a global scale. These circumstances provide opportunities to increase the number of cultural landscapes on this list and, most notably, expand the knowledge and appreciation of a figure that both synthesizes the heritage background of a community and paves the way for land development and the increase in the quality of life of those involved. This paper analyzes the Unesco List and the situation of Latin America and the Caribbean, reviews the procedures and possibilities for the registration of cultural landscapes and outlines some patterns intended to provide deeper insights into the complexity related to the management of these landscapes.
Author Biographies
Rocío Silva Pérez, Universidad de Sevilla
PhD in Geography. Professor, Department of Human Geography at the University of Seville.
Víctor Fernández Salinas, Universidad de Sevilla
PhD in Geography. Professor, University of Seville.
Silva Pérez, R., & Fernández Salinas, V. (2015). The cultural landscapes of Unesco from the Latin American and the Caribbean perspective. Conceptualizations, situations and potentials. Revista INVI, 30(85), 181–212. Retrieved from