Indicators for the monitoring and evaluation of socio - housing management in non-metropolitan cities


  • Daniela Mariana Gargantini Experimental Center of Low-Cost Housing Catholic University of Cordoba


In Latin America, non-metropolitan centers present great shortfalls at housing and urban levels than other type of cities, thus becoming the primary and more flexible spaces to tackle such difficulties.
These aspects have made the local governments of these cities to redefine their old functions in order to achieve efficacy and efficiency. In this way, municipalities have been forced to assume, despite their limitations, active development-oriented attitudes.
To this end, new methodological and instrumental tools at local housing management level are required to increase the impact and capacity to effectively address socio-housing problems.
This paper makes an attempt to define the main dimensions, variables and indicators when monitoring local housing management in non-metropolitan cities from an integral and associative perspective of social housing. The aim of this research is to provide objective elements aimed at increasing the institutional capacity of local governments when facing socio-housing problems.

Author Biography

Daniela Mariana Gargantini, Experimental Center of Low-Cost Housing Catholic University of Cordoba

Architect, MA in Habitat and Housing, with specialty in Promotion and Management of Local Development (Spain.) Ph.D. in Architecture, Rosario National University (Argentina.) Assistant researcher, National Council of Scientific and Technical Investigation (CONICET-Argentina.) Academic, Faculty of Architecture, Catholic University of Cordoba. Member of the technical team for the Experimental Center of Low-Cost Housing.