There is no land planning intended to harmonize the different land use in Chile. The political-administrative division does not contribute to this subject and the Instruments for Spatial Planning (ISP) are oriented towards sectoral demands. In order to regulate land use, an element designed to control the different sectoral instruments is needed. However, before adopting a sustainable approach, it is suggested that territories and not products compete in the markets. The idea of verifying the effectiveness of a bottom-up planning approach values the participation of actors and their characteristics in public and private territories. This task was carried out in Colchagua, and, through territorial-oriented sectoral interventions, and despite lacking a regulatory framework, it was possible to achieve a sustainable town planning. In order to validate the aforementioned result, this article examines the “Smartland” and “Leader+” software, as these initiatives know the characteristics, identities and the people these projects benefited. “Smartland” and “Leader+” are useful to understand the town planning process in the Colchagua Valley.
Author Biographies
Carlos Humberto Muñoz Parra, Universidad de Santiago
Architect. Ph.D. in Architecture, Higher Technical School of Architecture, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Professor, School of Architecture, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Matías Antonio Dziekonski Rüchardt, Universidad de Santiago
Architect. Master, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Professor, School of Architecture, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Gabriela Soto Villalón, Universidad de Santiago
Architect. Assistant Researcher, School of Architecture, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Ninoska Lamilla, Universidad de Santiago
Architect. Master, Assistant Researcher, School of Architecture, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Muñoz Parra, C. H., Dziekonski Rüchardt, M. A., Soto Villalón, G., & Lamilla, N. (2010). Habitat and Territory: Coherent Town Planning. The case of Colchagua province, Chile. Revista INVI, 25(70). Retrieved from