“Natural" Disasters: Typology, Concepts and Reflections


  • Francisco Ferrando Universidad de Chile


A typology of disasters is established considering the relations between causal origin and the receiver scenery of the effects, distinguishing those nature-nature, man-nature, nature-man and man-man. Also, fundamentals concepts like disaster, hazards, risks, vulnerability and prevention are analized and explained, in order to understand the continual and also inconstancy of the dinamic evolution of our inquiete planet. Those ideas are reviewed in relation with the possibility of build spaces and systems into a sustainability subject, supported by a society-natural environment mutual observance and harmonious interrelation, as soon as in information and specifical considerations to reach this goal.

Author Biography

Francisco Ferrando, Universidad de Chile

Geógrafo de la Universidad de Chile (1975), con vasta experiencia en geomorfología regional (IREN-CORFO 1972-1981) y en estudios de hidrogeomorfología, glaciología, geografía física aplicada y amenazas naturales y riesgos en relación con planos reguladores, EIA's, expansión urbana, redes de energía, corredores de comercio, proyectos regionales ambientalmente sustentables, etc. (1985-2003)