Social Capital and Participatory Urban Management in Mexico City: Rescuing Housing Units in the Federal District


  • Francisco Báez Urbina


This paper aims at revealing some important topics related to the evaluation and design of participatory urban management strategies in Latin American metropolitan cities. It contains some referential theoretical definitions such as the new administrative scenarios where participatory urban management takes place as well as social asset, cultural asset and the generation of citizenship . It also contains a detailed description of the studied program, a brief description of the characteristics of the collective residence urban housing groups (housing units) in Mexico city and a summary of field information.

Author Biography

Francisco Báez Urbina

Sociólogo, Universidad ARCIS, Maestro en Planificación y Políticas Metropolitanas, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana -A, México, DF. Ha realizado diversos estudios en desarrollo social y urbano para entidades públicas y privadas en Santiago y en México, al igual que actividades de formación y de gerencia social en Santiago.