Participation and Habitat: A Possible Dream or an Unwanted Relationship?


  • Jaime Hernández García Universidad Javeriana


This paper deals with the relationships that are held in urban areas called: habitat popular de periferia (something similar to "Low Income and Periphery Settlements, although part or the paper is to discuss this name), between the communities and their urban environment; studying how these relations change and improve the quality of life in those areas. These areas in cities such as Bogotá are very big and are permanently growing up, there are areas with huge shortfalls in economical and social terms, the same as in public services and infrastructure. These areas have been growing in spite of the city itself, not taking into consideration any urban or economic policy or plan; instead of there have been growing only by means of the initiatives and possibilities of the own dwellers of these areas. The people themselves have built and improved their habitat, have built and shared their dreams and ideas about the future, have built a community vision not always explicit but always "there", have used formal and informal participation channels to achieve their goals. This paper will discuss some issues that arise from studying the topic in periphery urban areas of Bogotá, ideas that invite to think more seriously and deeply the role of people as the leading actor in building, upgrading and expressing their own urban environment. Finally, there will be some comments on the question that motivated the paper: is the community participation in low income and periphery settlements a possible dream or is it something just not suitable or appropriate?