The Situation of Human Settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Chilean Case


  • Rubén Sepúlveda Ocampo Universidad de Chile


This paper deals with the social housing actions of the Chilean state, keeping into account the world processes of globalization and internationalization of the economy, its relationship with the developing countries and specifically the Latin American context. From this point of view and acknowledging the real success of the country's economic growth, a weak result is detected in focusing the actions on social housing and a large number of people is still living in poverty with no access to the development the country has experienced in the last two decades. The emphasis is put on the challenges Chile is facing and which should be overcome in order to solve the strong housing deficit. Among these are the generation of an active participation of the civilians, to acknowledge the urban diversity, the limitations of the sectorial approach, the need for integrating social and housing policies, to reinforce the local governments and stimulate the association between municipalities and to promote appropriate physically and socially sustainable programs. In sum to reconsider the social housing production policy integrating it to the production of the city and considering the access to the soil, avoiding speculation as well as it’s over exploitation and under use.

Author Biography

Rubén Sepúlveda Ocampo, Universidad de Chile

Arquitecto Universidad de Chile, Jefe del Departamento de Inversiones y Finanzas Subnacionales. Subsecretaría de Desarrollo Regional y Administrativo. Ministerio del Interior. Chile. Coordinador Internacional Red Temática CYTED XIV-D "Alternativa y Políticas de Vivienda de Interés social". Profesor e investigador Instituto de la Vivienda, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad de Chile; Facultad de Arquitectura y Bellas Artes, Universidad Central de Chile y de la Maestría "Hábitat y Vivienda" de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Madrid, España. Febrero del 2000.