The author of this research describes the need to rethink the concept of technology and its implementation in developing nations. He also suggests that appropriate technology could bridge the gap between actual technology and third world countries since this movement offers a realistic view of the capacities of nations to implement different techniques. Such an approach would evolve into “progressive technology”, which would be implemented in complementary phases.
Author Biography
Horacio Berreta, Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica
Director del Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica -C.E.V.E.-(AVE-CONICET) de Córdoba. Es además Investigador Principal de CONICET y Asesor del Proyecto Interamericano de Ciencia y Técnica para el Desarrollo -CYTED-Córdoba, desde 1990.
Berreta, H. (1993). The Development of Appropriate Technology. National Congress on Science and Production Technology. Revista INVI, 8(17), 26–28.