Quality outlook application on housing problems analysis. The 70’s “la Carlos Gardel” PEVE case, nowadays part of Morón, Buenos Aires, Argentina


  • Ricardo de Sárraga Universidad Abierta Interamericana


This article tries to address the residential security/ insecurity deeper dimensions within the whole deprived urban area “La Carlos Gardel”. In order to do this, it is important to understand certain local practices which led to the ethnographic fi eld work method to get to know and understand the security/insecurity effects and dimensions. “La Carlos Gardel” case implied a complex fi eld and buildings typology: Housing complex (Presidente Sarmiento, named ‘Los Monoblocks’) and a precarious one named ‘Las Casitas’ – formerly known as MHT, [nucleo habitasional transitorio], Transitional Housing Nucleus. Related to some land sites, all of them confronting problems. An improvement plan has been implemented, replacing the old houses for new ones. It is said that the problems complexity that affects the segregated sector must be comprehensively approached from the thick description taking in consideration its concrete production conditions. It is analyzed from the Emergency Villages Eradication Plan (Plan de Erradicacion de Villas de Emergencia, PEVE) from the 70’s during the military dictatorship in urban Buenos Aires, as it is understood it has not created critical mass on insecurity and it does not refl ect on recent housing policies in Argentina, from 2004 onwards. From this point of view, the public policies design contribution are related to self-organization fostering, (not taking into account the mechanical assistance), social integration, based on a necessary deep local diagnosis and broadly thematic (case by case), and not to the sector that is convenient for policies administration.

Author Biography

Ricardo de Sárraga, Universidad Abierta Interamericana

Architect, Dr. UBA on anthropology. Campus: CAECIS Center. Universidad Abierta Interamericana (Interamerican Open Universtity). Buenos Aires, Argentina.