Reflections on the platformization of culture and independent creation in the digital age



The present article aims to analyze the impact of technological development on accessibility and cultural production, focusing on the influence of digitization and platformization on diversity and creative autonomy. To this end, the advantages of more universal ac- cess to cultural works and the facilities for artistic creation and dissemination through digital platforms are addressed. However, concerns arising from the monopolistic concentration of these platforms and algorithmic control over cultural content are also raised. In contrast, reflection is made on technological alternatives that promote more independent and decentralized cultural creation and dissemination, through means that challenge market logics, such as open-source software, the P2P model, and independent digital spaces for collective creation. The study seeks to contribute to the discussion of how the current technological environment affects plurality and creative autonomy in the online cultural landscape, inviting critical re- flection on the pros and cons of current practices and possible solutions to promote a more inclusive and diverse cultural scenario.


Cultural industry, Independent culture, Digital platforms, Culture platformization, Technological alternatives


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