El aporte de la Cultura griega a la Cultura Chilena


  • Fotios Malleros Universidad de Chile


Fotios Malleros refers to the influence of the Hellenic in Chile, as reflected by a number of outstanding scholars, which allows him to relate the intellectual progress of our country to the wide international spectrum of the Greek spirit, observable in artistic and literary works . Basing himself on a study of historian Pereira Salas, Prof. Malleros offers a summary view of the teaching of the Greek language and civilization in Chile, which he complements with his own experience in this matter. In this respect, he considers the work being d one through the Center for Neo-Hellenic and Byzantine Studies of the University of Chile, as an effective instrument for the expansion of the research in this field.

Biografía del autor/a

Fotios Malleros, Universidad de Chile

Director y profesor del Centro de Estudios Bizantinos y N eohelénicos de la Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Educación de la Universidad de Chile. Miembro del Instituto Chileno-Helénico de Cultura y de la Sociedad Humanística Helénica de Grecia. Ha investigado múltiples materias de la cultura bizantina y griega en general. Entre sus obras se hallan El imperio bizantino. Historia, cultura, derecho y su edición de Los trabajos y los dias , de Hesíodo.